Annual reports
CINELDI enables a cost-efficient realisation of the future flexible and robust electricity distribution system by developing new concepts, technologies and solutions. By providing new visionary smart grid-solutions and testing them in laboratory and real-life environments, the knowledge and experience gained helps grid companies, the system operator, manufacturers and ICT companies to develop and integrate new technologies and work processes, stimulating innovations.
2023 by numbers

Our contribution to a more sustainable world

Research and Results
Our research is performed across four main disciplines: electric power engineering, cybernetics, information technology, and communication technology. These are further supported by social sciences in order to analyse social economics and consumer behavior related to flexibility.
The research activities are organized in six research areas, represented by the six WPs. The WPs reflect the main aspects of power system operation and management. This ensures that each WP addresses research questions that are highly relevant to both industry and society. Furthermore, it enables academic partners to work in close collaboration across the disciplines. It also facilitates interaction and communication between partners from research and industry alike.
Multidisciplinary research platform
CINELDI’s research is based on a multidisciplinary platform consisting of three pillars: research and development, laboratory tests and pilot projects. Through basic and applied research, CINELDI’s researchers provide in-depth knowledge, methods, and tools that are then tested in laboratories, simulated environments, and small-scale field pilots (living labs).
Active utilisation of use-case methodology and research infrastructure is an important part of both the research strategy and the multidisciplinary research platform. By using the Norwegian Smart Grid Laboratory and living labs hosted by user partners and laboratory tests, we integrate active involvement from the industry partners into our research activities.
The research activities were organized in six areas
Innovations in CINELDI

Full Annual Report 2023
Download PDF version of the 2023 annual report here
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