Challenge and objective

  • Capacity problems in the grid due to increased peak load. Identify potential for flexibility and possible rebound effect among atomic loads (washing machines, dishwashers etc.)

Work performed

  • Development of a data-driven flexibility modelling method for shiftable atomic loads, based on 1-minutes measurement of electrical appliances.

Significant result

  • Shifting of all cloth washing activities planned between 20:00-20:15 to 21:00-21:15 resulted in flexibility potential of 11.5 kW for 100 households.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • Reduced peak loads and reduced need for new grid investments.
Impact of shifting activity for 100 households where all of them have at least one time appliance use at the particular day.
Impact of shifting activity for 100 households where all of them have at least one time appliance use at the particular day.

Magnus Korpås

WP3 Lead
+47 970 42 009
Magnus Korpås
WP3 Lead


References in CINELDI