- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Flexibility modelling method for atomic loads
Challenge and objective
- Capacity problems in the grid due to increased peak load. Identify potential for flexibility and possible rebound effect among atomic loads (washing machines, dishwashers etc.)
Work performed
- Development of a data-driven flexibility modelling method for shiftable atomic loads, based on 1-minutes measurement of electrical appliances.
Significant result
- Shifting of all cloth washing activities planned between 20:00-20:15 to 21:00-21:15 resulted in flexibility potential of 11.5 kW for 100 households.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Reduced peak loads and reduced need for new grid investments.
References in CINELDI
- M.Z. Degefa, H. Sæle, I. Petersen, P. Ahcin: "Data-driven household load flexibility modelling: shiftable atomic loads", IEEE ISGT 2018.
- SINTEF blog