- Name
- Susanne Sandell
- Title
- WP1 Lead
- Organization
- SINTEF Energi AS
Opportunities and challenges using automatic inspection of distribution grids
Challenge and objective
- Manual inspections are time consuming, resource demanding and the evaluation is most often subjective.
- Drone technologies have reached a level of maturity where it is more efficient to perform condition monitoring automatically.
Work performed
- Investigated state of the art regarding sensors and methods for automatic condition monitoring.
Significant results
- Overview of available sensors and methods relevant for automatic inspection of infrastructure corridors, conductors, pylons and other components.
- Identification of challenges related to platform and data analysis.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Basis for increased utilisation of component life time and reduced total maintenance and reinvestment costs.

Reference in CINELDI
- R. Moore, H. Schulerud, E. Solvang, H. Vefsnmo: "Automatic assessment of the distribution system for condition monitoring", project memo, CINELDI/SINTEF Energy Research, 2018.