Challenge and objective

  • Increased Distributed Energy Resources (DER) connections, including distributed generation (DG), electricity storage and demand flexibility, to the distribution grid and multi-directional power flow, changing how to operate the distribution grid.
  • Objective to demonstrate the benefits of a coordination mechanism through high-level Use Case (UC) development between DSO and TSO.

Work performed

  • Coordination scheme depending on an OPF tool attributing Multi-Objective (MO) optimization, considered as means resolving future operational challenges.
  • Defined interoperation chain depending on sequential optimizations and exchange of relevant information and setpoints.
  • Use case implemented in simulations, to manage long term voltage variations.

Significant results

  • Demonstration of benefits of TSO-DSO coordination at operational level with the fewer variable voltage profiles and closer to the required references.
  • Illustration of the impact of rerouting reactive power on the total loss in the grid.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • Operational benefits from TSO and DSO coordination in utilization of flexible resources and voltage control.
UC TSO Bus Voltage
UC TSO Bus Voltage

Figure: IUC TSO Bus Voltage

Magnus Korpås

WP3 Lead
+47 970 42 009
Magnus Korpås
WP3 Lead


Reference in CINELDI