- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Operational model for atomic loads
Challenge and objective
- To model flexibility resources with their inherent uncertainties. Specifically modelling atomic loads, combined with customers' usage patterns for estimation of flexibility potential.
Work performed
- A flexibility modelling method for atomic loads which is based on high resolution appliance measurement data is presented.
- The method embraces the potential variabilities of appliance use in group of households.
Significant results
- A method is developed which is applicable for different flexibility resources.
- A conference paper is published and the model is available through the Zenodo platform.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- The developed method enables realistic representation of flexibility resources in the distribution grid planning. It also enables the accurate analysis of flexibility potentials and impacts of flexibility activation.
References in CINELDI
- M.Z. Degefa, H. Sæle, I. Petersen, P. Ahcin: "Data-driven household load flexibility modelling: shiftable atomic load", IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe) 2018.
- Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/3859909#.YCp4ZyRKg2w