Challenge and objective

  • Grid companies, technology providers, market operators etc. need a robust strategy for the cost-efficient transition to the future flexible, intelligent and robust grid. Driving forces and scenarios for the future grid is a useful foundation for this strategy.

Work performed

  • In 2018-2019, with updates in 2022, driving forces for intelligent electricity grid system innovation were identified and mini scenarios developed through a foresight process. Based on this, four main scenarios are established.

Significant results

  • The two dimensions 'grid customer' and the 'grid' stand out as the most important for the development of the future electricity grid.
  • Four scenarios for the future electricity distribution grid in Norway anno 2030-2040 are described: Automated grid, Flexible and intelligent grid, Distribution grid as back-up and Business as usual.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • The scenarios are used as a basis for research and development strategies, human resources, and expertise development, developing demonstration and pilot cases, and the overall company strategies.

Gerd Kjølle

WP6 Lead
+47 906 72 035
Gerd Kjølle
WP6 Lead


References in CINELDI