- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Charging profiles for Heavy Duty Electric Vehicles
Challenge and objective
- The upcoming heavy-duty electric vehicles (HDEVs) are expected to have a charging power between 100-1600 kW.
- A transition to HDEVs can cause challenges to the power grid.
- We aim to create load profiles of a high-power charging station for HDEVs in power flow analysis.
Work performed
- Developed load model for HDEVs.
- Constructed a case study for a relevant Norwegian areas.
- Evaluated impacts on increasing mandatory breaks for HDEV drivers.
Significant results
- HDEV charging causes overloading issues when share of EVs is in the range 25-50 %.
- Increasing mandatory breaks for HDEV drivers reduces charging peaks significantly.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Crucial to understand the grid impact of new types of EVs with very with power demands.

Reference in CINELDI
- K.K. Fjær, V. Lakshmanan, B.N. Torsæter, M. Korpås: "Heavy-duty electric vehicle charging profile generation method for grid impact analysis", SEST 2021.