- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Operation model for ZEB with emission compensation
Challenge and objective
- The primary objective of Zero Emission Buildings (ZEBs) is to achieve net zero emission over the buildings’ lifetime.
- To achieve this goal, accurate cost-effective emission compensation is needed during the operational phase.
- We aim to capture the long-term economic impact of emission compensation for a ZEB during operation.
Work performed
- Operational strategy for a building with emission compensation.
- Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming for energy storage optimization.
- Compare the operational strategy for a Norwegian and Danish case.
Significant results
- Emission compensation has a significant impact on the local energy system operation.
- Penalty cost of 10 EUR/kg results in zero net emission. Total cost increased by 5 %.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Give indication of value of flexibility from end-users with local emission targets.

Reference in CINELDI
- K.E. Thorvaldsen, M. Korpås, K.B. Lindberg, H. Farahmand: "A stochastic operational planning model for a zero emission building with emission compensation", Applied Energy 302, 117415, 2021.