Challenge and objective

  • Study the level of details in grid model and measurement data exchanges needed for operational level coordination between TSO and DSO.

Work performed

  • The challenges in near real-time network model and data exchanges between TSO and DSO control centers are investigated for a coordinated TSO-DSO reactive power management use case.
  • The IEC 60870-6 standard specifies a method to interconnect SCADA systems from multiple domains for exchanging time-critical data between control centers. It is therefore also known as intercontrol center communications protocol (ICCP) or telecontrol application service element (TASE 2). The message exchange follows a client-server architecture and consists of requests for information and control signals. For this study, a realistic ICCP/TASE 2 protocol is implemented in laboratory environment where the physical network is simulated in a real-time simulator while optimal set-points are communicated from the control centers to simulated assets using IEC 60870-5-104.
  • Three equivalet grid models of the DSO network are compared for TSO operations.

Significant results

  • The DSO equivalent grid models should be developed with a tailored approach for the dynamics considered in specific cases to avoid performance degradation.
  • The use of the CGM model for exchanging different levels of DSO equivalent grids has showed its adequacy for such operational coordination.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • A laboratory testsystem is developed in NSGL which can be used to validate different usecases of TSO-DSO operational coordination.
  • With this work and with its next activities, DSOs will be able to prepare and model data (especially flexibility related) required for operational coordination with neighbouring DSOs as well as the TSO.
Architecture of laboratory setup (left). Ful DSO grid model (top), technologically clustered DSO grid model (middle), DSO grid model as a P-Q bus (bottom)
Architecture of laboratory setup (left). Ful DSO grid model (top), technologically clustered DSO grid model (middle), DSO grid model as a P-Q bus (bottom)

Oddbjørn Gjerde

WP2 Lead
+47 99 730 027
Oddbjørn Gjerde
WP2 Lead

Magnus Korpås

WP3 Lead
+47 970 42 009
Magnus Korpås
WP3 Lead


Reference in CINELDI