A Long-term Strategy Framework for Flexible Energy Operation of Residential Buildings

Challenge and objective

  • How to represent long-term price signals to short-term operational models for energy management in buildings to better operational performance?
  • Represent the long-term value of flexibility and incorporate long-term price signals into residential building operation.

Work performed

  • PhD-thesis submitted, where:
    1. A general long-term strategy framework has been formulated for energy management of buildings (LOSTFUTURE).
    2. A paper published in IJEPES (International Journal for Electric Power and Energy Systems), June 2022, looked at long-term value of flexibility for demand charge reduction by individual contribution from flexible assets in a household.

Significant results

  • PhD-thesis successfully defended.
  • The framework has multiple purposes for representing long-term price signals, all from monthly demand charge grid tariffs to seasonal storage units.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • Framework provides a way to make better use of flexibility in buildings for more long-term use, which could be extended to also include system perspective needs such as system services.

LOSTFUTURELong-term Strategy Framework for Future Building Operation

A Long-term Strategy Framework for Flexible Energy Operation of Residential Buildings

Magnus Korpås

WP3 Lead
+47 970 42 009
Magnus Korpås
WP3 Lead


Reference in CINELDI