- Name
- Gerd Kjølle
- Title
- WP6 Lead
- Organization
- SINTEF Energi AS
Driving forces and mini scenarios for the future electricity distribution grid
Challenge and objective
- The electricity distribution grid is undergoing major changes due to electrification to meet climate goals and a transition is needed to the future Smart Grid. Identification of driving forces and scenarios for the transition will help understand the opportunities and challenges for the future grid.
Work performed
- Driving forces for the electricity distribution grid are updated and new mini scenarios are developed in accordance with trends and development since the start of the FME CINELDI.
Significant results
- Some driving forces are strengthened and enhanced (such as climate change and electrification), and geopolitics is a new group of driving forces.
- New mini scenarios are developed related to digitalisation, electrification, flexibility, and security of electricity supply.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- The driving forces and mini scenarios provide a foundation for developing appropriate strategies for the transition towards a flexible and intelligent electricity distribution grid that is also robust and cost-efficient.

Reference in CINELDI
- G. Kjølle: "Drivkrefter og miniscenarier for fremtidens elektriske distribusjonsnett", CINELDI-report 01:2022.