- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Electric Vehicle Adoption Dynamics on the Road to Deep Decarbonization
Challenge and objective
- Quantify the role of electric vehicles in deep decarbonization pathways.
- Illustrate implications of long-term electrification targets for near-term EV policy.
- Review electric vehicle economics, technology, and policy.
Work performed
- Meta-analysis of deep decarbonization pathways for 2C and 1.5C.
- Stock-flow simulation modelling of fleet turnover Literature review of EV economics, technology and policy.
Significant results
- The fleet share of zero-emission vehicles ranges between 22% and 90% (median of 62%) in 2 °C scenarios and between 67% and 100% (median of 96%) in 1.5 °C scenarios.
- Reaching 1.5C requires that policy makers both increase EV sales and accelerate the retirement of internal combustion engine vehicles.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- System planners can better understand the role of EVs in the clean energy transition.

Reference in CINELDI
- E. Dimanchev, D. Qorbani, M. Korpås: "Electric Vehicle Adoption Dynamics on the Road to Deep Decarbonization", Book chapter, Wiley - The 4Ds of Energy Transition: Decarbonization, Decentralization, Decreasing, 2022-07-15.