- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Mapping of Norwegian DSOs' use of flexibility solutions for industrial grid customers
Challenge and objective
- DSOs require more flexible customers, as the number of connection requests is high and the lead time for constructing new grids is high
- Flexibility from large (industrial) customers has a large potential, but it is not clear how flexibility solutions are being used during planning, normal operation and during fault situations.
- To which extent are flexibility solutions discussed as part of the dialogue between the DSO and new industrial consumers that want to connect?
- What type of industrial consumers are the most promising for being flexible?
Work performed
- An interview study through 9 semi-structured interviews with different Norwegian DSOs.
- Mapping the DSO-customer dialogue when connecting new industrial consumers.
- Mapping the DSOs' current and planned use of flexibility solutions such as disconnectable tariffs and conditional/alternative connection agreements.
Significant results
- There is large variation in the use of disconnectable tariffs. Some DSOs use it actively, and some not at all.
- Most DSOs have large plans for conditional connection agreements, but few have ever disconnected a customer due to the condition.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- An increasing number of customers with conditional connection agreements leads to a need for better standardization and systems to manage more complex system operation.
Reference in CINELDI
- S. Bjarghov, I.B. Sperstad, H. Sæle: "Kartlegging av fleksibilitetsordninger hos næringskunder", CINELDI-rapport 01:2024.