Operational functions and applications for the next generation distribution control centres

Challenge and objective

  • Due to the vast number of communications interfaced network devices, distributed generation units, load, and storage systems, monitoring and operation of the future distribution network will be a daunting task. ​
  • Both the landscape of operational applications and functions in the control center will change following the new challenges and opportunities in the distribution system. ​

Work performed

  • A summary of functions and applications in today’s control centers with their extent of use​.
  • Identify new functions and applications needed in the future control centers​.
  • Brief discussion on architectures of the future power distribution control centers.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • This project memo documents the state-of-the-art of the most important advance network operation functions today and their role in the future control center of the Norwegian distribution network.


Oddbjørn Gjerde

WP2 Lead
+47 99 730 027
Oddbjørn Gjerde
WP2 Lead


Reference in CINELDI