A Light-Weight Tool-Supported Method for Cyber Risk Assessment in the Planning of Cyber-Physical Smart Grids

Challenge and objective

  • Smart grids increasingly rely on digital technologies that introduce new cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
  • Grid planning is done years in advance at a conceptual level, leading to uncertainties in identifying potential cybersecurity threats.
  • Grid planners need simple, user-friendly methods to assess cyber risks.

Work performed

  • Proposed a method to assess cybersecurity at an early stage in grid development processes.
  • Tested on a Norwegian MV power distribution system (test system).
  • Applied the approach on a case for the implementation of Open Automated Demand Response (OpenADR).

Significant results

  • A light-weight, tool-supported method to help grid planners identify cybersecurity risks, even with limited information.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • Early identification of cyber risks helps avoid plans with unacceptable risks and allows planners to compare the costs, benefits, and risks of digital and traditional grid measures.


Susanne Sandell

WP1 Lead
+47 984 891 26
Susanne Sandell
WP1 Lead


Reference in CINELDI