Challenge and objective

  • The profitability and grid impact of energy communities will vary depending on members, technologies and location.
  • Aim: study energy community benefits and grid impact with different member types and technologies, comparing Norway and Spain.

Work performed

  • Developed an operational optimization model for an energy community with PV generation, battery and shiftable loads.
  • Compared results for one year for different member types, countries and technologies.

Significant results

  • Energy communities consisting of commercial buildings (shops and offices) give the best outcome in Norway, due to high load/PV generation correlation.
  • These energy communities are also the best for the distribution grid, due to low feed-in power during summer.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • The study demonstrates the importance of including diverse buildings when developing regulation for energy communities.

Oddbjørn Gjerde

WP2 Lead
+47 99 730 027
Oddbjørn Gjerde
WP2 Lead


Reference in CINELDI