Economic assessment and grid impact of different sharing keys in collective self-consumption

Challenge and objective

  • New collective self-consumption scheme introduced in Norway, with two sharing keys for distributing generation: equal and based on yearly consumption.
  • Aim: investigate how the scheme affects the cost distribution within an energy community and quantify the grid impact.

Work performed

  • Economic analysis of virtually distributing the PV generation among members equally or based on yearly consumption. Analysis of one year.
  • Developed an optimization model that also accounts for shiftable loads and monthly peak power tariff.

Significant results

  • The largest cost reductions are obtained for the yearly consumption-based sharing key, especially when households have shiftable loads. Reduction in taxes and grid tariffs are substantial parts of the cost savings.
  • The maximum import is not reduced with the scheme, but in fact increased when households have shiftable loads.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • Since the maximum import is equal or higher, while the income to the DSO is reduced, the scheme is likely to shift costs over to other end-users in the grid.

Oddbjørn Gjerde

WP2 Lead
+47 99 730 027
Oddbjørn Gjerde
WP2 Lead


Reference in CINELDI

  • K. Berg, R. Rana, H. Taxt, and M. F. Dynge, "Economic assessment and grid impact of different sharing keys in collective self-consumption".