- Name
- Susanne Sandell
- Title
- WP1 Lead
- Organization
- SINTEF Energi AS
Evaluating grid development strategies for a regional grid using dynamic line rating sensors
Challenge and objective
- Many Norwegian grid companies have installed dynamic line rating (DLR) sensors in their regional grid to operate the grid closer to its real capacity.
- Sensor data is currently not used for regional grid planning.
- It is also becoming possible to adapt probabilistic planning criteria, where the grid company may consider having N-1 (redundancy) less than 100 % of the time.
Work performed
- A regional grid planning methodology was developed to use DLR instead of the traditional seasonal line rating (SLR).
- The methodology also uses probabilistic risk criteria, here called N-X, as opposed to the traditional N-1.
- An anonymous Norwegian grid company provided data for a case study of their regional grid (132 kV) to test the methodology.
Significant results
- DLR gives more reserve capacity that allows for a higher increase of load demand in the grid without grid investments.
- Acting upon this information as part of a grid development strategy corresponds to the real option of postponing the decision to make grid investments.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- The results demonstrate that the use of sensor data and probabilistic planning criteria enables the grid company to make better regional grid investment decisions.

Reference in CINELDI
- S. Sandell and I.B. Sperstad: "Evaluating grid development strategies for a regional grid using dynamic line rating sensors", IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2024.