- Name
- Susanne Sandell
- Title
- WP1 Lead
- Organization
- SINTEF Energi AS
Faster connections of fast-charging stations to the power grid
Challenge and objective
- Establishing new charging infrastructure takes time, which slows down the electrification of the transport sector.
- Grid connection of fast-charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs) requires collaboration and contributions grid companies, charging station operators, technology providers, public authorities, as well as other stakeholders.
Work performed
- A workshop was organized to discuss this topic in a common arena with relevant actors.
- Goals of the workshop were to better understand the needs and challenges of charging operators, to explore the possibilities for grid connection, both technically and regulatory, and to share experiences across stakeholders in the EV charging value chain.
- A project memo documents the conclusions from the workshop.
Significant results
- Communication is key: Early communication involves charging operators, possibly road authorities, and others involved in the planning of charging infrastructure contacting the grid company early in the process.
- Standardization: If the connection process is more similar, it will be quicker and easier for everyone involved.
- More knowledge, testing, and pilots are needed: A roadmap is proposed for maturing existing solutions and developing future solutions for grid connection and flexibility from charging stations.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- The key messages above leads to better solutions to enable the electrification of the transport sector faster and more efficiently.

References in CINELDI
- #SINTEFblogg: https://blogg.sintef.no/sintefenergy-nb/slik-kan-hurtigladestasjoner-knyttes-raskere-til-stromnettet/
- Prosjektnotat: «Hurtig nettilknytning av hurtigladestasjoner – Resultater fra workshop 2024-02-01.