Challenge and objective

  • An urgent need for increasing grid hosting capacity due to electrification for meeting the climate targets. The use of flexibility resources and digitalization are important enablers for increasing the grid capacity.
  • Norway has great potentials for flexibility since electricity is widely used, e.g., in the transport sector.
  • One of the objectives is to evaluate where, when, and how flexibility is the right solution, and how various types of flexibility fit different purposes.

Work performed

  • A comprehensive classification of flexibility resources is established and utilised, together with a framework for planning active distribution grids.
  • Key functionalities of future grid operation are tested in lab testbeds and living labs (by grid companies).
  • Pilot projects are conducted for verification, and for identification of barriers.

Significant results

  • Flexible resources can be used to mitigate operational challenges such as congestions and voltage problems.
  • Introducing active measures requires a closer connection between grid planning and operation.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • Increased grid capacity is enabled through using flexibility in combination with active grid measures.
  • Pilot projects are important innovation steps, helping identify the real flexibility potentials and barriers.

Gerd Kjølle

WP6 Lead
+47 906 72 035
Gerd Kjølle
WP6 Lead


Reference in CINELDI

  • G.H. Kjølle, O. Gjerde, M. Z. Degefa, S. Simonsen, M. Zhuri and K. Utvik, "Flexibility for Increased Electrification and Utilization of the Distribution Grid", CIGRE Session 2024, Paris.