Integrating Electric Vehicles into the Norwegian Power Grid: A Case Study – Emphasizing the Implementation of Flexibility

Challenge and objective

  • The electrification of the transport sector increases the strain on the Norwegian low-voltage grid (LV) due to increased home charging of electric vehicles (EVs).
  • The objective of the work was to investigate charging strategies to mitigate grid strain (voltage problems) and enhance flexibility, particularly through coordinated charging and bidirectional charging.

Work performed

  • Detailed modelling and simulation of home charging scenarios for passenger EVs were conducted.
  • Grid impact (voltage problems) was investigated for the CINELDI MV reference system extended with an LV grid.
  • Several charging strategies were investigated, including normal charging, constant charging, smart charging, and vehicle-to-home (V2H, bidirectional) charging.

Significant results

  • The results compare charging scenarios in terms of load, voltage, and flexibility potential.
  • Smart charging and bidirectional strategies like V2H show potential for reducing voltage problems by shifting loads away from peak hours.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • The research emphasizes the importance of flexible charging strategies to handle increasing EV load demand.
  • Implementing smart and bidirectional charging enhances grid flexibility and thus helps to reduce grid problems.

Susanne Sandell

WP1 Lead
+47 984 891 26
Susanne Sandell
WP1 Lead


Reference in CINELDI