- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Investigating the cost-effectiveness of flexible resources in a distribution grid to mitigate voltage problems
Challenge and objective
- The increased load demand and the variability of renewable energy sources increases the risk of problems in the power system.
- This work explores the cost-effectiveness of flexible resources in mitigating voltage problems.
Work performed
- Second-order cone OPF has been used to capture voltage change in a MV distribution system (IEEE33).
- Flexible resources are considered as cost-curves for load shedding, with marginal cost increase with higher shedding. Different cost-curves have been analyzed.
- The framework uses the optimization problem to analyze cost increase of activating flexible resources for increasing voltage.
Significant results
- The work shows how flexibility is activated spatially with increasing voltage requirement, and for different cost-curves.
- The spatial cost-effectiveness is based on local voltage influence, and the current marginal cost for flexibility.
- The results shows what marginal cost of providing flexibility is, which can be incorporated as a market-clearing problem in [Cost/V] to find uniform price for all flexible contributors.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- This concept can be used to find the cost-effective activation of flexible resources considering spatial effectiveness, and find the marginal cost for providing flexibility.
- The concept is the basis for market clearing considering voltage issues in the grid.
Reference in CINELDI
- Espen Aglen, "Investigating the cost-effectiveness of flexible resources in a distribution grid to mitigate voltage problems", MSc thesis, NTNU, 2024.