- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Multimarket Services for an Electric Vehicle Considering Frequency Reserves
Challenge and objective
- In response to the increasing need for flexibility Nordic system operators has developed markets for ancillary services providing frequency control.
- This work models and analyses how EVs with V2G capability can provide system services while accounting spot price variations and car owner’s needs.
Work performed
- Developed an optimization model of the HEMS, to analyse the capability and profitability of EV multi-market purposes for home charging.
- Markets considered are the day-ahead market and frequency containment reserve for normal operation (FCR-N).
Significant results
- The results show that the modeled EV is able to meet the required FCR-N when activated in nearly every hours of activation.
- The EVs state of charge is to a little extent effected by the activation, hence the usage of EV transportation is preserved.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- The work gives clear indication that EV flexibility and V2G is useful for system services at TSO level.
- The result underscores the usefulness of aggregated services to TSO.

Reference in CINELDI
- A. S. Valle, "Multimarket Services for an Electric Vehicle Considering Activation of Frequency Containment Normal Operation Reserves", MSc Thesis, NTNU, 2024