Challenge and objective

  • This open-source code base aims to optimize grid planning by comparing different measures such as reactive power from fast charging stations, demand-side flexibility from local energy communities, and using line reinforcement to address undervoltage problems in radial distribution grids.

Work performed

  • The Python code base was developed 2022–2024 through work in CINELDI in collaboration with projects FINE and FuChar.
  • It includes a grid reinforcement optimization model for and functionality for socio-economic analysis and risk analysis of grid development plans.

Significant results

  • It has been used for economic assessment of integrating fast-charging stations in the distribution grid, evaluating grid development strategies considering real options and risks, and incentive allocation for energy communities.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • It demonstrates how the CINELDI framework for planning of active distribution grids can be implemented as a software tool.
  • It illustrates how DSOs can use a data-based optimization approach to make better power grid development decisions.
A screen grab from the open-source code base PLAN_ADGrid
A screen grab from the open-source code base PLAN_ADGrid

Susanne Sandell

WP1 Lead
+47 984 891 26
Susanne Sandell
WP1 Lead


Reference in CINELDI