- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Reducing the cost of industrial decarbonization with flexibility
Challenge and objective
- Decarbonization of the industrial sector is of crucial importance to meet climate goals. A significant part of the decarbonization measures are related to electrification, which will increase the strain on the power system. As industrial processes may also contribute to provide the required flexibility in the power system, this work aims to investigate the flexibility potential of a chemical industrial process, and to what degree flexibility may reduce the cost of decarbonization.
Work performed
- An operational MILP-model is developed, representing the chemical process and its dependencies.
- The model optimizes on energy, emission and load change costs.
Significant results
- Flexible operation of the processes is able to reduce the decarbonization cost slightly.
- There is a significant potential to reduce power demand for shorter periods of time, however, strong price incentives are required.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- The industry sector may be exploited to a larger degree in reducing power demand in critical areas, for short periods of time. This works presents some potentials and costs for a specific industry sector.
Reference in CINELDI
- S.S. Foslie, J. Straus, B.R. Knudsen and M. Korpås, "Decarbonizing integrated chlor-alkali and vinyl chloride monomer production: Reducing the cost with industrial flexibility", Advances in Applied Energy", Vol 12, 2023.