Challenge and objective

  • New methods for reliability analysis is needed to estimate how reliability of supply is affected by new measures such as flexibility resources and flexible use of the grid topology.

Work performed

  • In previous projects, a Julia code implementation of the RELRAD methodology for reliability analysis of radially operated distribution grids was implemented.
  • Through the security of supply case in CINELDI, the methodology and code has been extended to account for self-healing functionality (grid reconfiguration) and flexibility resources (batteries and non-firm connections).

Significant results

  • RelDist.jl, an open source code package for reliability analysis of radially operated distribution grids with self-healing functionality and flexibility resources.
  • Based on an analytical method, it is very fast.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • The tool can be used to demonstrate the potential of new measures to manage reliability of supply.
  • The open source code can be used freely under a GNU LGPL license, or the methodology can be reimplemented in commercial software tools.

Gerd Kjølle

WP6 Lead
+47 906 72 035
Gerd Kjølle
WP6 Lead


Reference in CINELDI