- Name
- Gerd Kjølle
- Title
- WP6 Lead
- Organization
- SINTEF Energi AS
Security of electricity supply in the future power system
Challenge and objective
- A secure electricity supply is increasingly important as various sectors are being electrified to substitute fossil fuels. The security of electricity of supply is challenged by increased operational stress, extreme weather and cyber threats. There are large knowledge needs for how to deal with the challenges and how to utilise the new possibilities.
Work performed
- Security of electricity supply is outlined, consisting of energy availability, power capacity, reliability of supply and voltage quality. The concepts of power system risk, vulnerability and resilience are described and exemplified for historic blackouts (HILP events).
Significant results
- It is shown that the vulnerability framework developed in previous projects is useful for identification of new types of threats and vulnerabilities, vulnerability influencing factors and related barriers. The concepts of vulnerability and resilience can be further developed and used to study the various aspects important for the development of the security of supply in the future.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- In the rapidly changing power system, complexities and dependencies will increase, and it is essential to analyse and monitor the development of the security of supply, to ensure a secure and resilient power system.
Reference in CINELDI
- G.H. Kjølle, "Security of Electricity Supply in the Future Intelligent and Integrated Power System", In: J. S. Tietjen, M. D. Ilic, L. Bertling Tjernberg, N. N. Schulz (eds) Women in Power. Women in Engineering and Science. Springer, Cham.