Challenge and objective

  • To quantify the impact on reliability of supply of self-healing functionality (flexible grid topology) and flexibility resources and the interplay between these two means to manage the reliability of supply.

Work performed

  • A common case on security of electricity supply was defined with inputs from all CINELDI WPs and partners.
  • Reliability of supply in the CINELDI MV reference system was analysed using the open-source RelDist.jl code, calculating expected energy not supply, expected interruption costs, etc.

Significant results

  • Self-healing functionality is shown to significantly improve reliability of supply.
  • It is important to consider that backup feeders do not provide infinite grid reserve capacity.
  • The availability of reserves in flexible grid topology influence the benefits of flexibility resources to manage reliability of supply, and vice versa.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • The case study has demonstrated the potential of new measures to manage reliability of supply. It also identified new research questions and knowledge gaps.

Gerd Kjølle

WP6 Lead
+47 906 72 035
Gerd Kjølle
WP6 Lead


Reference in CINELDI

  • I.B. Sperstad, R. Rana, T. A. Zerihun and S. H. Jakobsen, "Tverrgående tema forsyningssikkerhet – utvikling av felles case og foreløpige resultater", CINELDI / SINTEF Energi, prosjektnotat, 2023. (Manuscript for journal publication in preparation.)