Strategy and roadmap for the transition to the future flexible and intelligent electricity distribution grid

Challenge and objective

  • There is a strong need for increased grid hosting capacity for the required electrification of society. This can be achieved by building new grids and by increasing the utilisation of the existing grid. It is shown by the research, development and piloting in CINELDI how this can be achieved by digitalisation and automation, and by utilisation of flexibility.

Work performed

  • A strategy and roadmap are worked out based on a strategy process in CINELDI and the CINELDI-results which can be found in CINELDI’s knowledge base.

Significant results

  • Three main messages and a roadmap are given regarding the necessary digitalisation and automation of the electricity distribution system, the utilisation of flexibility from power production, consumption and storage, and knowledge needs related to have to handle the security of electricity supply in the future.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • The roadmap gives the recommendations needed for the grid companies, technology vendors, the regulator and the research institutions for how to enable the transition to the flexible and intelligent electricity distribution grid, which is needed to achieve the climate targets for 2030 og 2050.

Gerd Kjølle

WP6 Lead
+47 906 72 035
Gerd Kjølle
WP6 Lead


References in CINELDI