Reference distribution grid data sets have been developed to support the cost-efficient transition to the future flexible, intelligent, and secure distribution grid. International test grid data sets are typically made for academic purposes, and for verifying and validating new methods. However, they are often not suitable for studying realistic problems. Therefore, it is important to establish reference grid data sets that are representative of Norwegian distribution grids.

Our goal is to establish stylised grids that represent different operating conditions and voltage levels. Reference grids enable technologies, scenarios, and challenges to be tested in realistic environments. They may be used for comparison purposes, as well as for quantifying the socio-economic costs of the future grid in relation to investments, operation, power supply interruptions and electrical losses in different scenarios, to mention some uses.

Moreover, reference grids may be used to show the effect of new technologies and solutions, as well as quantify benefits and potentials to save costs. Reference grids can also visualise appropriate measures for integrating new elements – such as distributed renewable power generation, charging stations for electrical vehicles, and new types of electricity consumption – and for dealing with any challenges that might occur. This enables more fundamental analyses, as well as analyses of new problems in the future grid.

A basic medium voltage (MV) distribution grid data set is established, based on data from a real MV distribution grid in Norway. This data is anonymised and adapted to establish the reference grid data se t [1]. In CINELDI, we have used the data set to study methods and concepts developed for more flexible consumption, power production and energy storage. The basic reference grid data set is further extended to produce a data set that is relevant for studying utilisation of flexibility.

Reference grid data sets are made available to be accessed by other researchers and stakeholders, and they have been used in different case studies in CINELDI. The CINELDI MV distribution grid dataset is published [1], as well as an industrial distribution grid dataset [2]. Data are made available for open access.

Selected publications from CINELDI:

  1. I. B. Sperstad, O. B. Fosso, S. H. Jakobsen, A. O. Eggen, J. H. Evenstuen, and G. Kjølle, "Reference data set for a Norwegian medium voltage power distribution system",  Elsevier, Data in Brief, Vol 47, 2023.
  2. S. Sandell, D. Bjerkehagen, B. Birkeland, I.B. Sperstad: "Dataset for a Norwegian medium and low voltage power distribution system with industrial loads", Data in Brief, Vol. 48, 2023.
  3. Data set available in Zenodo-repository, 2023.