Memos 2024

  • 5G Performance for Smart grid Communications (WP2)
    Henrik Lundkvist, Tesfaye Amare Zerihun
  • Field Testing of Two Earth Fault Location Methods in Closed-Ring Networks (WP2)
    Thomas Treider, Tesfaye Amare Zerihun
  • Fleksibilitet i kraftsystemet ved dynamisk styrte nett (WP1)
    Amalie Eveline Hermundstad
  • Overview of Case Studies Involving Techno-Economical Power System Analysis Related to CINELDI (WP6)
    This document gives an overview of case studies from CINELDI and affiliated research projects.
    Ivar Bjerkebæk
  • Utilization of PMU and Heimdall Power sensor for DLR: Increasing overview and complimentary (WP2/Pilot)
    Aldrich Zeno, Basanta Raj Pokhrel, Santiago Sanchez-Acevedo
  • The value of flexibility in EV chargers for an office building (WP3)
    Markus Månum Moen, Kasper Emil Thorvaldsen, Espen Flo Bødal
  • Challenges and knowledge gaps related to ensuring security of electricity supply in the future flexible and intelligent distribution grid (WP6)
    Iver Bakken Sperstad

Memos 2023

  • Tverrgående tema forsyningssikkerhet – utvikling av felles case og foreløpige resultater (WP6)
    Iver Bakken Sperstad, Rubi Rana, Tesfaye Amare Zerihun, Sigurd Hofsmo Jakobsen
  • Hardware security testing of the Heimdall Neuron (WP2)
    This report describes an assessment of the cyber security of the Heimdall Neuron.
    Lars Halvdan Flå
  • Kartlegging av fleksibilitetsordninger hos næringskunder (WP3)
    I notatet beskrives intervjustudien gjennomført i slutten av 2022 og starten av 2023 for å avdekke status og potensiale for fleksibilitet blant nærings- og industrikunder, og hvilken dialog nettselskap har med kundene sine om dette.
    Sigurd Bjarghov, Iver Bakken Sperstad, Hanne Sæle
  • Operational functions and applications for the next generation distribution control centers (WP2)
    This project memo documents the state-of-the-art of the most important advanced network operation functions today and their role in the future control center of the Norwegian distribution network.
    Merkebu Z. Degefa
  • Resilience in the power distribution grid – state of the art (WP6)
    This project memo seeks to answer the research question "how can the concept of resilience be understood, and how is it studied in the context of the future power distribution system?"
    Erlend Sandø Kiel

Memos 2022

  • Baseline estimation methods – a literature review (WP3)
    In this document, different flexibility baseline estimation methods described in existing literatures are presented and their qualitative criteria they should qualify, are presented. Also, two evaluation processes for validating flexibility baseline estimation for different stakeholders are prescribed as future work.
    Venkatachalam Lakshmanan
  • Calculation of Customer Baseline Load with different methodological approaches (WP3)
    This memo aims at presenting different methodologies for calculating Customer baseline load (CBL) for a consumer providing flexible measures. CBL methods are relevant to calculate the flexibility volume delivered from different customers, as a basis compensation schemes. The case study surrounds an office building with an EV-charging system, where the charging capacity can be adjusted and throttled during the day.
    Kasper Emil Thorvaldsen, Venkatachalam Lakshmanan, Hanne Sæle
  • Steps towards aggregation, management and leveraging of flexibility (WP3)
    The aim of this activity is to investigate how, utilizing proper business models, end-user flexibility can contribute to reducing grid stress. Utilizing the work in the Horizon 2020 project FLEXGRID, this work will address the above challenges and will investigate the specificities of using flexibility towards different stakeholders and markets. Various aspects of the flexibility provision and trade will be considered.
    Iliana Ilieva, Stig Ødegaard Ottesen, Bernt Bremdal, Olav Henrik Skonnord
  • Value-stacking of flexibility (WP3)
    In this document, different TSO and DSO services, their conventional solution and volume requirements for Norwegian power system, are detailed. Further, the viable flexibility alternatives to deliver these services and their possible values are described. Finally, the market structure and necessary clearances for service delivery with flexible resources and value stacking method to maximize their utilization and revenue, are presented.
    Venkatachalam Lakshmanan
  • CINELDI results 2021 (WP0)
    This memo gives an overview of the CINELDI results from 2021, grouped according to the specified main deliverables.
    Gerd Kjølle, Hanne Sæle, Hege I. Iversen
  • Drivkrefter for fremtidens elektriske distribusjonsnett – endringer (WP6)
    Dette notatet representerer en oppdatering av det tidligere arbeidet med å beskrivet drivkrefter for fremtidens intelligente elektriske distribusjonsnett.
    Gerd Kjølle, Inger Anne Tøndel
  • Miniscenarier for fremtidens elektriske distribusjonsnett 2030-2040 – nye miniscenarier (WP6)
    I CINELDI er det tidligere utarbeidet 95 kvalitetssikrede miniscenarier, som alle beskriver en tenkelig hendelse, utvikling eller handling som har betydning for utviklingen av nettet. Dette notatet beskriver resultatet fra arbeidet med å utvide dette settet av miniscenarier.
    Gerd Kjølle, Eirik Haugen, Yasmin Bashir Sheikh-Muhamed, Inger Anne Tøndel
  • Requirements and roadmap for implementing methodology for active distribution grid planning (WP1)
    The framework for planning of active distribution grids that is developed in CINELDI is described in detail. For each step of the grid planning process, this project memo gives an overview of methodology that can be implemented in the framework, with gaps, requirements and recommendations. This includes relevant options for i) methods for load and generation modelling (including uncertainty), ii) active measures that can be considered and how they can be represented in planning studies, iii) methods and tools for techno-economic analysis and assessment of risk, and iv) methodologies for optimizing and ranking solutions. Based on this overview, a roadmap is suggested with some steps that can be taken for exploiting and implementing the framework and methodology in practice.
    Iver B. Sperstad
  • Test av jordfeildetektering ved hjelp av AMS (WP2)
    Henning Taxt, Kjell Ljøkelsøy

Memos 2021

  • Business models leveraging energy flexibility (WP5)
    Iliana Ilieva, Bernt Bremdal, Sanket Puranik
  • CINELDI case study in SPREAD (WP1)
    Gian Giuseppe Soma, Gianni Celli
  • CINELDI results 2020 (WP0)
    This memo gives an overview of the CINELDI results from 2020, grouped according to the specified main deliverables.
    Hanne Sæle, Gerd Kjølle
  • Flexibility measures in active distribution grid planning (WP1)
    This project memo gives an overview of flexibility measures and other active measures in the planning of active distribution grids. It also describes the relationship between these measures and needs or challenges in the grid and uncertainties relevant to active distribution grid planning.
    Iver Bakken Sperstad
  • Metode for evaluering av resultater (WP6)
    Notatet beskriver en metode for evaluering av resultater fra CINELDI. 
    Eirik Haugen, Maren Istad, Gerd Kjølle
  • Power system flexibility assessment: incentives and instruments overview (WP3)
    Irina Oleinikova
  • Regulatory framework in restoration and defence actions (WP3)
    Dette notatet presenterer de første resultatene fra aktivitet T3.4 "Improved plans for defence and restoration" i arbeidspakke WP3 "TSO/DSO Interaction" i FME CINELDI.
    Andrei Z. Morch
  • Resultat og erfaringsnotat for pilot Smart Cable Guard (WP Pilot)
    Robert Seguin
  • Resultat og erfaringsnotat for Pilot: Test av øydrift i Skagerak EnergiLab (WP Pilot)
    Thor Holm, Signe Marie Oland
  • Stokastisk lastmodellering (WP1/WP Pilot)
    Dette prosjektnotatet dokumenterer resultater fra pilot-prosjektet Agder Energi Nett har utført innen stokastisk lastmodellering basert på målte timesverdier for effekt. Modellene beskriver tilfeldige variasjoner og utfallsrom for effekt-verdiene og gir innsikt i variabilitet og usikkerheten i enkeltkunders forbruk. Arbeidet i pilot-prosjektet har også gitt økt innsikt og muligheter og utfordringer for bruk av stokastisk lastmodellering i maks-last-estimering og mer risiko-basert dimensjonering av kraftnett.
    Rebekka O. Omslandseter, Per-Oddvar Osland

Memos 2020

  • CINELDI results 2019 (WP0)
    This memo gives an overview of the CINELDI results from 2019, grouped according to the specified main deliverables.
    Hanne Sæle, Gerd Kjølle, Hege I. Iversen
  • Development of real-time power hardware-in-the-loop microgrid simulation platform (WP4)
    This project memo describes the activity: "Development of Real-time Power Hardware-in-the-loop microgrid simulation platform".
    Raymundo E. Torres-Olguin, Tuan T. Nguyen, Santiago Sanchez-Acevedo
  • Framework and methodology for active distribution grid planning in Norway (WP1)
    This project memo describes the draft framework for active distribution grid planning in Norway that has been developed within CINELDI WP1 (Smart grid development and asset management).
    Iver Bakken Sperstad
  • Identification of use cases - Interaction between microgrid and DSO (WP4)
    Ideas for development of use cases have been gathered and documented in this report. The ideas are based on existing use cases found in literature and are discussed in the work group of Task 4.1.
    Kristian Wang Høiem, Bendik Nybakk Torsæter,Matthias Resch, Rakel Alice Utne Holt
  • Impact of multi-vector energy system on electrification of energy sector - Business and policy perspectives (WP5)
    Iliana Ilieva, Sanket Puranik
  • Implementing local markets for energy and flexibility to mitigate grid problems (WP5)
    This work builds upon earlier CINELDI project reports («Review of Local Flexibility Market Designs» and «Recommendation of market/contract designs for using flexibility for revealing grid constraints -with emphasis on the Norwegian conditions") by providing overview and analysis of practical results and experiences from the implementation of local market designs.
    Iliana Ilieva, Xiaomei Cheng, Øivind Berg, Bernt Bremdal
  • Laboratorietest av måling av overharmoniske spenninger med AMS-måler (WP2)
    I dette arbeidet undersøkes spesielt muligheten for måling av overharmoniske spenninger med AMS. Ideen om å benytte måling av THD og tre individuelle ordens harmoniske for å si noe om øvrige ordens overharmoniske stammer fra Elvia, og testes i dette arbeidet.
    Henning Taxt, Kjell Ljøkelsøy
  • Misuse cases - an overview (WP2)
    This memo aims to give an overview of potential misuse cases in the future power grid. With misuse cases, we mean scenarios that show how the future power grid can be misused by threat actors performing various types of cyber-attacks, and explain what consequences this may result in. 
    Christian Frøystad, Inger Anne Tøndel, Martin Gilje Jaatun, Ravishankar Borgaonka, Marie Moe
  • Results from summer researcher project related to pilot Utviklingsområde Breivika Vest (WP1)
    This project memo documents the work from a summer researcher project related to the CINELDI pilot project Utviklingsområde Breivika Vest.
    Erlend Øye

Memos 2019

  • Beregningseksempler av alternative nettariffer (WP5)
    Dette notatet er utarbeidet i forbindelse med CINELDI WP5. Formålet med notatet er å gi en oversikt over alternative nettariffer som er aktuelle for norske husholdningskunder. Dette underlaget er aktuelt å bruke i forbindelse med ulike typer for simuleringer i CINELDI knyttet til bruk av fleksible ressurser. 
    Hanne Sæle
  • CINELDI results 2018 (WP0)
    This memo gives an overview of the CINELDI results from 2018, grouped according to the specified main deliverables.
    Hanne Sæle, Kjell Sand, Gerd Kjølle
  • Definition of mini-scenarios relevant for "TSO-DSO interaction" (WP3)
    This memo makes a screening of a set of mini-scenarios, which were previously identified in WP6 activity in CINELDI. The most relevant mini-scenarios were selected and mapped with several challenges and opportunities, which may arise in the future (2040) power system. These are further linked with examples of new ancillary services for frequency and voltage control. 
    Andrei Morch
  • Evaluering av miniscenarier for "Fleksible ressurser" (WP5)
    Dette notatet er utarbeidet i forbindelse med arbeidspakke 5 (WP5) "Flexible resources in the power system" i CINELDI. WP5 har som målsetting a utvikle metoder og modeller for kostnadseffektiv integrasjon av fleksible ressurser i et smart distribusjonsnett. Med fleksible ressurser menes fleksibelt forbruk, distribuert produksjon (PV, vind, ... ) og energilager. 
    Hanne Sæle
  • Fault responses of inverter-interfaced DER – literature review  (WP4)
    This memo investigates the fault responses of inverters used for grid-connection of some types of DER, e.g. PV. The focus of the memo is to review literature which reports results from fault testing of commercial DER-inverters.
    Jorun I. Marvik
  • Hafslund Use Case - Concept for fault localisation in ring-connected networks (WP2)
    Document describes preliminary simulation and experimental results, demonstrating the viability of a new short-circuit fault localisation method proposed by Hafslund Nett AS. 
    Thomas Haugan
  • Market models for multi-vector energy systems that integrate different energy carriers (WP5)
    The aim of this task is to investigate future business models that will revolve around multi-vector energy systems (MVES) and how these impact market models and contract designs in the existing electricity sector. Issues related to MVES are at nascent stage and further work is expected to support the development of integrated energy markets, as envisioned by the EU.
    Bryan Pellerin, Heidi Tuiskula, Sanket Puranik
  • Microgrid protection – challenges and solutions (WP4)
    This memo provides a review of various microgrid protection schemes suggested in literature, implemented in testbeds/demonstration project and in real operating microgrids.
    Jorun I. Marvik
  • Mikronett i Norge – Muligheter og utfordringer (WP4)
    Dette notatet er utarbeidet i forbindelse med WP4 i CINELDI. Notatet har som hovedformål å gi en beskrivelse av muligheter og utfordringer ved bruk av mikronett i Norge, samt å gi en oppsummering av aktuelle forskningsutfordringer og -spørsmål som har blitt diskutert i prosjektmøter med FoU-partnere og brukerpartnere i CINELDI.
    Bendik Nybakk Torsæter, Jorun Irene Marvik, Fredrik Göthner, Raymundo Torres-Olguin
  • Planning methodologies for the future electricity distribution grid - needs and gaps (WP1)
    This report presents an overview of relevant work on planning methodology and today's practice for the DSOs regarding grid development and asset management. It describes the needs, gaps and opportunities in distribution system planning as a basis for the research in CINELDI WP1.
    Hanne Vefsnmo, Tonje S. Hermansen, Eivind Solvang, Oddbjørn Gjerde
  • Resultater fra spørreundersøkelse om verktøy brukt til nettplanlegging i distribusjonsnettet (WP1)
    Dette prosjektnotatet viser en oversikt over hvilke metoder og verktøy som blir brukt til planlegging blant dagens nettselskaper. For å kartlegge hva som benyttes av metoder og verktøy i dag (2017) er det utført en spørreundersøkelse blant nettselskapene i CINELDI.
    Hanne Vefsnmo
  • SG-Lab Distribution Grid Model (WP2)
    This document describes the process of measuring and determining accurate RLC-parameters for the distribution grid model (serial: P04-0057) at the Norwegian National Smart Grid Laboratory. 
    Thomas S. Haugan

Memos 2018

  • Automatic assessment of the distribution system for condition monitoring  (WP1)
    The objective of this memo is to address the opportunities and challenges for implementing automatic methods for technical condition assessment for components in the distribution grid.
    Richard Moore, Helene Schulerud, Eivind Solvang, Hanne Vefsnmo
  • Beskrivelse av mulige videreutviklinger av use case og demoaktiviteter (WP2)
    Dette notatet oppsummerer arbeidet med utvelgelse av use case så langt i Task 2.3 og kommer med forslag til videre arbeid.
    Andrei Z. Morch, Synne Garnås, Maren Istad, Hanne Vefsnmo 
  • DSO-TSO interaction overview (WP3)
    The main objective of the document is to provide an overview of the current status of DSO-TSO interactions and formulate the future need for this. The document mainly covers status in the Nordic countries as well as a selection of European countries. The study evaluates several aspects of the interaction, but focuses primarily on system services and acquisition of these with resources connected to the distribution grid.
    Andrei Z. Morch, Hanne Sæle 
  • Interaction DSO/TSO - Use case (WP3)
    This project memo presents the main findings from an evaluation of existing use cases. The purpose of the evaluation is to get an overview of use cases from other projects, covering topics relevant for WP3.
    Synne Garnås
  • lnteraksjon DSO/TSO. Spørreundersøkelse blant nettselskap - Januar 2018 (WP3)
    I januar 2018 ble det sendt ut en spørreundersøkelse til nettselskapene i CINELDI med tema fleksible ressurser og interaksjon DSO/TSO. Dette notatet oppsummerer tilbakemeldingene på spørreskjemaet, og er bearbeidet i samarbeid med ekspertgruppen for WP3 i CINELDI vinteren 2018. 
    Hanne Sæle 
  • Recommendation of market/contract designs for using flexibility for revealing grid constraints - with emphasis on the Norwegian conditions (WP5)
    Ilieva, I.; Bremdal, B.; Duus, H.; Cheng, X.
  • Review of local flexibility market designs (WP5)
    Ilieva, I.; Bremdal
  • Review of DSO-TSO interactions: The technical aspects (WP3)
    This memo documents a literature review performed within CINELDI WP3 Interaction DSO/TSO. The main objective of this review is to study and report the technical and practical approaches used in the literature to define new DSO-TSO interaction schemes. 
    Merkebu Z. Degefa 
  • SmartNet project: Summary and status (WP3)
    This memo describes the status and gives a summary of the EU H2O2O project SmartNet-project which is included as in-kind to the FME CINELDI. 
    Andrei Z. Morch
  • The impact of flexible resources on the security of electricity supply - preliminary literature survey (WP5)
    This project memo surveys existing research literature on the impact of flexible resources on the security of electricity supply (SoS). The flexible resources that are considered are the following distributed energy resources: demand response (DR), stationary distributed energy storage systems (ESS), electrical vehicles (EV), and distributed (primarily photovoltaic, or PV) generation. Microgrids (MGs) are also considered to some extent. 
    Iver Bakken Sperstad 
  • Topics important for TSO-DSO cooperation in the European legislation: screening study (WP3)
    This memo presents the results of a screening study structured around several so-called topics of interest, representing the key issues for TSO-DSO interactions. 
    Andrei Z. Morch

Memos 2017

  • Evaluation of use cases from other projects (WP1)
    This project memo presents the main findings from an evaluation of existing use cases. The purpose of the evaluation is to get an overview of use cases from other projects, covering topics relevant for WP1.
    Synne Garnås