New Relay Concept
A new idea for fault localization from Elvia is being tested with simulations and in experiments in the National Smart Grid laboratory.
The goal is to test the reliability of the fault indicators and algorithms for self-healing to reduce the time spent locating and restoring power after an outage.
The main idea is operating the medium voltage network in a ring configuration and, when a fault occurs, combine the fault current measurements from both feeders to locate the fault.
The pilot project received the CINELDI award 2018.
- "One step closer to a self-healing grid", #SINTEFblog, 2022.
T. Zerihun et al: “ Two novel current-based methods for locating earth faults in unearthed ring operating MV networks”, Electric Power systems Research, volume 213, 2022.
- Pilot "New relay concept" report (in Norwegian)