KSP projects

Collaborative and Knowledge-building Projects are to develop new knowledge and generate research competence needed by society or the business sector to address important societal challenges. Projects under this application type require collaboration between research groups and relevant actors from outside the research sector.

What does a Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project comprise?

  • Collaborative and knowledge-building projects help to develop new knowledge and build the research expertise needed by stakeholders in society and/or business and industry to address important societal challenges.
  • The projects stimulate and encourage collaboration between research groups and actors from outside the research sector.
  • Projects promote new knowledge and competence-building in Norwegian research groups in priority areas.
  • The research can be of a basic and/or applied nature, and benefits broad segments of society.
  • The projects are either at or close to the research front and should therefore normally include cooperation with leading international specialist groups, thus entailing significant benefits for the Norwegian groups involved.
  • Research results are to be made accessible through sharing and publication in line with the Research Council’s Policy on Open Science.
  • Projects normally involve recruitment positions (doctoral and/or post-doctoral fellowships).

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