Main Partner: Missler. Cooperation partners: JKU, UNICAN, INRIA, GT, SINTEF
The project centers on techniques for the computation of a 2D or 3D object, usually formed with geometrical primitives (points, lines, circles, conics, quadrics, …), with respect to some constraints (topological, distances, angles, …), being able to play with the remaining degrees of freedom.
The typical example is given by a profile in 2D with dimensions, given progressively in whatever order that will rigidify the profile. Some good algorithms exist in 2D, and are widely used. It will be investigated to what kind of geometry they could be extended, in 2D and in 3D, and with good performances (i.e. instantaneous response time for the user).
The tool to be developed should compute the relative position of rigid bodies, given a set of geometrical constraints (contacts, joints, ...), enable to apply forces and make some dynamical simulation in real time, taking into account the contacts between the bodies, and the possible collisions, as well as allowing to play with the remaining degrees of freedom.