Several checklists for control centres have been published in regulations, standards and guidelines, but there is a lack of an overall balanced checklist. Thus the objective of CRIOP has been to combine the relevant material in a "best practice" checklist. The checklist in CRIOP has been developed based on:
EEMUA "Alarm System Guidance (Publication No 191)"
EEMUA "Plant Control Desks and the Human-Computer Interface: A Guide to Design, Operational and Human-Computer Interface Issues" (Publication no. 201)
ISO 11064 "Ergonomic design of control centres" (2000 CEN)
IEC 61508 "Functional Safety of Electrical, Electronic and Programmable Electronic Safety-Related Systems"
NORSOK standards, The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry to ensure adequate safety, value adding and cost effectiveness for existing and future petroleum industry developments in Norway.