Meet Georgios Xypolias, the PhD candidate from University of Strathclyde, and read about his research and contribution in the DACOMAT project.

Jim Thomasen, PhD candidate Georgios Xypolias, and Peter Jenkins at the University of Strathclyde.

I am Georgios Xypolias, I am 24 years old and I recently joined the PhD program "The influence of fibre-matrix interphase and manufacturing defects on the environmental resistance of fibre reinforced composites for structural applications" at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. In May 2018 I graduated with an MEng from the same university. My interest in composite structures was derived through my 4th year project, which focused on the ultrasonic non-destructive testing of composite laminates. This project enhanced my insight in composites and my laboratory experience handling them.

Concerning my PhD project, I am pleased to be a part of DACOMAT and working alongside their team has been a constructive and enjoyable experience since the commencement of my project. DACOMAT have been supportive throughout providing me with raw material, knowledge and ideas, which have equipped me effectively towards the completion of this project. I hope to produce research which will contribute to DACOMAT's goals, and can potentially result in improving practical applications in the industrial sector.

My supervisors and other Advanced Composites Group members at University of Strathclyde have guided and supported me a lot so far in my PhD project. Currently, I am investigating water absorption of the vinyl esters that I will be using for microbond and laminate composite manufacturing. Additionally, I will soon be studying the effect of water absorption of glass fibres and vinyl ester specimens and its effects. My research will be focused on both a macroscopic and microscopic scale, which could potentially allow a verification of the results.

Finally, I am looking forward to meeting other project partners and PhD students from DTU and UPM; to share ideas, hear their suggestions and get inspired to continue working effectively on my project.