Presentations and Posters


TUESDAY 23rd JUNE 2009
09:00 Welcome to Trondheim and SINTEF – Objectives of this FCTEDI-symposium
09:35 On the need of diagnostic tools for fuel cells commercialisation,  James Keating, Johnson Matthey Technology Centre
10:00  Session 1 (parallel)


1A: PEMFC in-situ techniques, Hall R7, Ass. Prof. Jon Pharoah

1B: SOFC/MCFC in-situ techniques, Hall R8, Dr. Michal Schulz


In-situ X-ray Spectroscopy and Scattering Diagnostic Studies of PEM Cathode Catalysts, Dr. Debbie Myers, Argonne National Labs

In-Situ Diagnostic Methods for SOFC, Dr. Günter Schiller, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR


Segmented Cell Configurations for Fuel Cells as an Investigative Tool, Erich Gülzow, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., DLR

Raman Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic Tool for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Dr. Robert C. Maher, Imperial College London


Local Online Gas Analysis in PEFC, Gabriel A. Schuler, Paul Scherrer Institut, PSI

SOFC Stack Testing at CMR Prototech, Dr. Helge Weydahl, CMR Prototech


Monitoring of membrane failure due to pinhole formation, Ass. Prof. Viktor Hacker, Graz University of Technology

Measurement and Analysis of Local Degradation in a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Dr. Zacharie Wuillemin, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL


The Multisinglecell in PEFC Durability Research, Thomas Tingelöf, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Current Interruption: a Method to Characterize a 100 cm2 Class Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell, Roberto Lo Presti, ENEA – Energy department

12:50 Session 2

2A: PEMFC in-situ & ex-situ techniques, Hall R7, Dr. Günther G. Scherer

2B: SOFC ex-situ techniques, Hall R8, Dr. Günter Schiller


In-situ Durability Studies of Carbon-based PEMFC electrodes, Maria Wesselmark, Royal institute of Technology, KTH

Application of Advanced and Non Destructive Testing in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Dr. Peter Holtappels, EMPA


Current Density Distribution in a PEMFC: I-Validation Step by Ex-situ and In-situ Electrical Characterization, Samir Rachidi, CEA Grenoble

Microstructural Investigations of Cathode – Barrier Layer – Electrolyte Interface in a SOFC, Ruth Knibbe, Technical University of Denmark - Risø


PEMFC Degradation Mechanism Studied by Electron Microscopy, Dr. Laure Guétaz, CEA – LITEN, Grenoble

Advanced Diagnostics Tools and Analysis Methodologies in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Dr. Jürgen Malzbender, Forschungszentrum Jülich


Ex-situ Characterization of Two-Phase Flow Regimes in PEMFCs, Ass. Prof. Jon G. Pharoah, Queens Uni. & Queen's-RMC Fuel Cell Research Centre

Diagnostics Challenges in SOFC Systems, Dr. Timo Kivisaari, Wärtsilä Finland

14:40 Session 3

3A: PEMFC water diagnostic tools, Hall R7, Dr. Debbie Myers


In-situ PEM Fuel Cell Water Measurements, Dr. Rodney L. Borup, Los Alamos National Laboratory


Combined In-situ Diagnostic Tools for Detection of Liquid Water Evolution in PEMFC, Robert Kuhn, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung ZSW


Characterization of Water Management in PEM Fuel Cells with Microporous Layer, Ass. Prof. Jon G. Pharoah, Queens Uni. & Queen's-RMC Fuel Cell Research Centre


Combined Local Current Distribution Measurements and High Resolution Neutron Radiography of Operating DMFCs, Alexander Schröder, Klaus Wippermann, Forschungszentrum Jülich

08:45  Session 4

4A: PEMFC water diagnostic tools cont. Hall R7, Ass. Prof. Viktor Hacker

4B: On-line monitoring, Hall R8, Dr. Angelo Moreno


Insights into the Water Management Problem of PEMFCs Provided by Neutron Imaging, Dr. Günther G. Scherer, Paul Scherrer Insitute, PSI

On-line Diagnosis of a PEM Fuel Cell Stack based on the Electrical Power Converter, Prof. Daniel Hissel, University of Franche-Comte


Dynamic Water Management Studies by means of Perforated GDLs and In-situ ESEM Observations, Robert Alink, Fraunhofer ISE

Smart Embedded Voltage Control Sensor for Individual Elements of a Fuel Cell Stack, Alain Giraud, CEA, LIST


Acoustic Emission Measurements, Dr. Pierre-Xavier Thivel, LEPMI, Laboratoire d’Electrochimie et de Physico-chimie des Matériaux et des Interfaces

quickCONNECT fixture single cell tester for LT and HT PEM applications, Dr. Elgar Fokkens, balticFuelCells GmbH


Elaboration of a Non-intrusive Diagnosis Tool for the Detection of Water Management Defaults and CO Poisoning in PEMFC Stacks, Philippe Moçotégu, EIFER, European Institute for Energy Research

An Original Sensor for the Detection of Liquid Water in Gas Distribution Channels of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Delphine Conteau, LEMTA, Nancy-University, CNRS


Session 5

5A: Impedance spectroscopy in fuel cells, Hall R7, Dr. Rod Borup

5B1: SOFC/MCFC applied diagnostics, Hall R8, Dr. Peter Holtappels

Application of Impedance Spectroscopy to Characterize PEM Fuel Cells, Prof. Mark E. Orazem, Dep. of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida

Resonant Sensors for Selective In-situ Gas Monitoring at High Temperatures, Dr. Michal Schulz, Clausthal University of Technology


Diagnosis of PEMFC operation using EIS, Dr. Ulises Cano-Castillo, Electrical Research Institute

Button-Cell-Size Test Cells of SOFCs and Components; Possibilities and Limitations, Dr. Nataliya Sharova, NorECs Norwegian Electro Ceramics AS


Impedance Spectroscopy as a Diagnosis Tool for SOFC Stacks and Systems, Dr. André Weber, IWE, University of Karlsruhe

 5B2: Modelling tools for diagnostics, Hall R8


In-situ Determination of the Anode Flow Distribution in a SOFC Stack under Nominal Operating Conditions by EIS, Dr. Nico Dekker, Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, ECN

Dynamic Modelling of MCFC, Dr. Eirik Ovrum, DNV Research & Innovation


Analysis of Differences in Impedance Spectra, Dr. Søren Højgaard Jensen, Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy

Development of a Model-Based Diagnostics Tool for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells,  Dr. Marco Sorrentino, University of Salerno

14:00 Session 6

6A: PEMFC applied diagnostics, Hall R7, Prof. Göran Lindbergh

14:10 Apparatus for spatially resolved impedance spectroscopy on DMFC and PEM Fuel Cells with special regard to fuel concentration oscillations in gas channels, Thorsten Baumhöfer, RWTH Aachen University

High Quality FC Components due to Automatic Quality Control in the Production Process, Dr. Zijad Lemeš, MAGNUM Automatisierungstechnik GmbH


Online PEMFC Stack Monitoring with THDA, Erich Ramschak, AVL List GmbH


A novel FBG Sensor for In-situ Humidity Measurement in a PEM Fuel Cell, Julian Jensen, Institute of Energy Technology, Aalborg University



Published September 29, 2009