Conception workshop 8th April 2021
DIY4U consortium organized its Conception workshop 8th of April digitally on Microsoft Teams. The meeting went really well, with almost 33 people joining the meeting.

Please find a link to the recording of the meeting
- General DIY4U introduction
- General fablab description
- Introduction of the OIC
- Challenge 1: Sales virtual assistant
- The need
- The possible solutions, possible issues
- Open discussion with applicants/help for conception
- Challenge 2: Decentralized payment
- The need
- The possible solutions, possible issues
- Open discussion with applicants/help for conception
- Challenge 3: Supply chain planning
- The need
- The possible solutions, possible issues
- Open discussion with applicants/help for conception
- Challenge 4 : Monitoring performance
- The need
- The possible solutions, possible issues
- Open discussion with applicants/help for conception