DIY4U M30 Meeting
On the 25th and 26th May, the DIY4U consortium joined together in person at their M30 project meeting which was held in Linares, Spain at the CETEMET headquarters, who is one of the partners.

The meeting was a two-day event with the first day dedicated to status updates and technical insights from all the work package leaders. As this was the first face-to-face meeting of the project which included all partners, the meeting was more interactive with workshops arranged to plan for the remaining tasks in the project.
The second day was a round-up of any outstanding actions and we ended the day with a visit around the CETEMET Lab and plant facilities.
The meeting was really successful and it was a celebration of DIY4Us achievement so far, it was great to be able to finally meet in person, which hasn’t happened since the start of the project due to COVID. A total of 20 members joined the meeting.
The full consortium is now following up on actions to achieve the next milestone of the FabLabs development.