Dual phase membranes for CO2 separation in power generation

The main objective of DUALCO2 is to determine transport mechanisms of dual phase membranes both at the microscopic scale by identifying chemical reactions and species involved in the molecular separation and ionic transport, and at the reactor scale, by o perating the membranes in selected operating conditions enabling to screen effect of pressure, steam, pO2, pH2 and pCO2 on flux and stability.

This is a first time ever pioneering work requiring specific competences and tools brought in by the selected p artners. The project plan is defined to tackle step-wise these ambitious objectives by developing necessary knowledge on materials bulk property down to the microscopic scale, on interface interaction between functional ceramic and molten salts, and surfa ce, interface interaction with environment (multi-component gas streams, steam, pressure effect).

Dedicated tools and procedures for probing and testing the produced membranes will be developed, thereby creating an advanced laboratory for these membranes. In order to tackle these ambitious objectives, four partners including two research centres from USA and France will combined their expertise and know-how in DUALCO2. They are chosen based on their world leading expertise in ion conducting materials (U iO, coordinator of the project), molten carbonate media (LECIME), gas separation membranes and process development (Argonne and SINTEF). This complementary partnership brings the required competences and tools necessary to complete this first time ever pi oneering work.

An important aspect of the DUALCO2 project is thus the bridge created between the fields of advanced ceramic and molten salts science. It is thus expected that the gathering of Norwegian and worldwide experts in these fields will create de cisive impact on the science underpinning the development of dual phase membrane technologies. The project educates on PhD candidate having the possibility to increase his/her competences with world leading experts.

Project period: 01.01.2011 - 31.07.2014



University of Oslo - Norway (http://folk.uio.no/trulsn/index.htm)
SINTEF - Norway (http://www.sintef.no/home/Materials-and-Chemistry/Energy-Conversion-and-Materials/Materials-for-Energy-and-Environmental-Technology/)
LECIME – France (http://www.enscp.fr/spip.php?article93)
Argonne Laboratory - USA ()



Thijs Peters SINTEF  ()