
Cycles of modelling and result analysis in the FlexBuild project


WP's feed each others with deliverables

Workshop 1.x  Researchers à Partners

Workshop 2.x  Partners à Researchers


WP 1 Scenarios and inputs (SINTEF BI – Dr. Karen Lindberg)
WP1 will provide a solid and consistent set of model input representing the externalities that will influence the future role of Norwegian end-use flexibility. To ensure consistent assumptions, the results from WP1 will be applicable to all the four models used; BUTLER, TIMES, EMPS and EMPIRE.

WP 2 Modeling framework (IFE – Dr. Pernille Seljom)
WP2 will provide a modelling framework that can address the objectives of the project by further developing and coupling the four models: BUTLER, TIMES, EMPS and EMPIRE. The three models are long-term optimization models with, endogenous investments and a stochastic representation of short-term uncertainty. Implementation of different power tariffs will be guided by the NVE.

WP 3 Results analysis and dissemination (SINTEF – Dr. Igor Sartori)
WP3 will use the models developed in WP2, with their new functionalities and mutual exchange of data, together with the scenarios and inputs defined in WP1.

WP 4 User forum (NTNU – Prof. Asgeir Tomasgard)
The users' forum gathers the interest and the effort of the industrial partners and public bodies in the project. This is both to translate research results into synthesis and results that can be used by the partners during the life of the project, but also ensuring dialogue and interaction between the partners to improve relevance of the modelling. The main role of the users' forum will be to assess the impact of the modeling results for their respective industrial branch and for the Norwegian energy system as a whole. This will generate feedback and guidance to sharpen the modeling process in the cycles as described in the progress plan table.

WP 5 Organisation and project plan
Daily management of FLEXBUILD will be the responsibility of the project management group, consisting of the WP leaders and the project leader (PL) that will be Dr. Igor Sartori from SINTEF BI. A steering committee (SC) will be established, where both research partners and industrial partners are represented, that will take decisions on the major developments of the project. The users' forum (WP4) will interact actively and continuously with the research partners through the annual cycles of the project's progress.