Dissemination workshop, 31 Oct 2006, Rikshospitalet, Oslo
A better life –a longer life? Intimate collaboration between innovative technologies, on the body - in the body, in the hands of the doctor – in your own hands. Will knowledge about the smallest building blocks in life combined with new technologies, often invisible, change our conditions in life, expectations and health care? How will next generations homo sapiens improve, reset, prevent, renew and treat the different parts of the body? What are the possibilities and threats, where are the business opportunities?

FOBIS dissemination workshop

Around 175 people attended this event.


1.      ‘Live’ medical surgery using biomedical sensors

  • Hjertesensor, Ole Jakob Elle og Erik Fosse, Intervensjonssenteret Rikshospitalet (title: Detection of regional cardiac ischemia by accelerometer technology)
  • Ishemi-sensor, Tor Erik Tønnessen og Erik Fosse, Intervensjonssenteret Rikshospitalet
  • Svettesensor, Sverre Grimnes, Medisinsk-teknisk avdeling Rikshospitalet

2.      Seminar: Bioterrorism and biodefence

  • Dr. Simo Nikkari, Centre for Biothreat Preparedness, Finland (title: Biothreat preparedness - the Finnish perspective)
  • Dr. Mikael Lindgren, Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI NBC Defence (title: Detection of biological threats)
  • Dr. Preben Aavidtsland, Norwegian Institute of Public Health (title: The Norwegian health care services' preparedness against deliberate release of biological agents
  • LTC. Per Lausund, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (title: Biological agents and terrorism - threat, risks and challenges)
  • Morten Randmæl , Directorate for Health and Social Affairs (title: Preparedness against biological incidents)
  • Dr. Janet M. Blatny, Norwegian Armed Forces, Joint Medical Services (title: Biodefence studies at FFI)

3.      Seminar: Biomedical sensors – technology & innovation

  • Mårten Wigstøl, company chairman NorDiag ASA (title: Building an industry)
  • Stig Morten Borch, director corporate R&D Axis-Shield AS (title: What it takes to make a new “state of the art” diagnostics platform for Point of Care use)
  • Henrik Mindedal, marketing director Samba Sensors AB
  • Eirik Næss-Ulseth, company chairman Novelda AS (title: Biomedical Wireless Sensor Network)
  • Lars Lading, managing director Sensor Technology Center (title: FOBIS: Business – cases and key observations)
  • Jens Gran, Oslo Cancer Cluster
  • Anne Kjersti Fahlvik, director Norges forskningsråd (title: Biomedisinske sensorer - norsk kunnskaps- og næringsklynge?)

4.      Plenary meeting, Polyteknisk Forening

Introduction: FOBIS scenarios presented by Rita Westvik and Dag Ausen, both from SINTEF.

Panel discussion chaired by Rita Westvik, SINTEF, and Hans M Borchgrevink, Norges Forskningsråd. In the panel:

  • Stortingsrepresentant Jan Bøhler, medlem av Helse- og omsorgskomiteen
  • Terje Vigen, generalsekretær Den norske Lægeforening
  • Sissel Rogne, direktør i Bioteknologinemnda
  • Willy Eidsaunet, senior vice president GE Healthcare AS
  • Anne Kjersti Fahlvik, divisjonsdirektør Norges forskningsråd
  • Prof. Erik Fosse, Intervensjonssenteret, Rikshospitalet

Summary of the discussion

In the news...

  • Danmarks Radio - TV AVISEN (Sensorer kan fortælle om vores helbred), 1 Nov 2006
  • Kanal 24 (radio) (Svettesensor), 1 Nov 2006 (11MB)
  • NRK Dagsrevyen (TV) (Medisinske sensorer), 31 Oct 2006
  • Kanal 24 (radio)(Hjerteoperasjon), 31 Oct 2006 (26MB)
  • Kanal 24 (radio) (Foresight Biomedisinske sensorer), 31 Oct 2006 (12MB)
  • Press release SINTEF, 31 Oct 2006
  • Published November 2, 2006

    NICe project 2005-2006

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