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Over many years, SINTEF has developed software libraries as part of research and
industrial projects. The most important ones are listed below. These libraries are
available for non-commercial use under the GPL license.



GoTools is the name of a collection of C++ libraries related to geometry. The libraries are organized as a core module with additional modules added on top. The core module contains generic tools and spline functionality. The additional modules contain functionality for intersections, approximative implicitization, parametrization, topology, and more. Download and more information...



SISL - The SINTEF Spline Library

SISL is a comprehensive NURBS library for the modeling and interrogation of curves and surfaces. It is implemented in C and has been under continuous development over two decades. Download and more information...



TTL - Triangulation Template Library

TTL is a library for operations related to triangulations. TTL is not dependent on a specific data structure, but can be adapted to any type of triangulation defined by the user. Delaunay triangulation, add/remove nodes and search/traversing are examples of tools. The code is implemented in C++. Download and more information...



MBA - Multilevel B-spline Approximation Library

MBA is rather a single algorithm than a library. It is developed for making surfaces from scattered data points. The algorithm works at different levels, and can be used both for small and large point sets. Compared to similar methods it is extremely fast. The code is implemented in C++. Download and more information...



LSMG - Least Squares Approximation of Scattered Data with B-Splines

LSMG is a method for making surfaces from scattered data points by error minimalization (least squares). It is more computational and memory demanding than the MBA-algorithm. However, in some cases the result is “better”. The code is implemented in C++. Download and more information...



LSSEG - Level-Set Segmentation Library

LSSEG is an experimental library for segmentation and anisotropic smoothing of images, using PDE-based methods.  This code was written within the framework of a project on variational and PDE-based imaging. Download and more information...



Structured Blocks

This is a generic library addressing multi-dimensional, user defined adjacent blocks of data. It can be used together with the Multivariate Splines Library to represent block structured simulation grids in a spline format. The library is written aiming at large bulks of data, and is implemented in C++. Technical report (pdf)



Multi-variate Splines

This is a generic library handling tensor product spline functions, e.g., scalar fields in many dimensions. The functionality includes interpolation, approximation, integration, collapse of dimension, pick subpart etc. The library is written aiming at large bulks of data, and is implemented in C++. Technical report (pdf)



Go to: SINTEF Applied Mathematics

Libraries with available source code

Libraries with online documentation


Chief Scientist Tor Dokken
SINTEF ICT, Dept. Applied Mathematics
P.O. Box 124 Blindern
NO-0314 Oslo, Norway