K.-A. Lie. Potential and limitations for "domain decomposition" multiscale methods. Workshop on multiscale methods, Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo, 23-25 February.
K.-A. Lie. Anisotropic relative permeabilities. Workshop on multiscale methods, Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo, 23-25 February.
I. S. Ligaarden. Modeling of vuggy and fractured reservoirs using the Stokes-Brinkman equations - when does the regular Darcy approach fail? Shell Exploration & Production, Rijswijk, May 4.
K.-A. Lie. Fundamentals of Reservoir Simulation. Discussion leader. SPE Forum: Reservoir Simulation - Beyond Tomorrow. Langkawi, Malaysia, 10-15 May.
I. Ligaarden, M. Krokiewski, K.-A. Lie, D. W. Schmid, M. Pal. On the Stokes-Brinkman equations for modeling flow in carbonate reservoirs. ECMOR XII, Oxford, UK, 6-9 September 2010.
A. F. Rasmussen. Streamline tracing on irregular geometries. ECMOR XII, Oxford, UK, 6-9 September 2010.
H. M. Nilsen and J. R. Natvig. Improved gravity splitting for streamline and reordering methods. ECMOR XII, Oxford, UK, 6-9 September 2010.