Throughout the year the HFC forum meet to discuss events and further developments.

In 2012 the following meetings are planned/arranged:

Human Factors in an international perspective - May 9-10, HFC user forum meeting in Oslo (Invitation, Minutes of meeting/Presentation).

Individual presentations:
1 - Bow ties Hudson.pdf
2 - HFC GML.pdf (Papers G. Lamvik & al. Safety Management, Professional Culture, The Filipino Seafarer)
3 - Perspectives on safety
4 - HumanFactorsSeminar soma.pdf
5 - Managing Risk - lessons
6 - Measuring behavior
7 - HFC forum Mai 2012 TGG.pdf (Papers: High-Octane Work, ABB review)

From 2011:

October 19-20, HFC user forum meeting in Trondheim (Invitation, Minutes of meeting/Presentations)

Suggested resources:
- IAEA guidance on conduct of operations
- Office of Rail Regulation - Guidance on Competence Management Systems
- HSE video on tanker spill
- HSE human factors

April 6-7, HFC user forum meeting in Oslo (Invitation, Mintes of meeting/Presentations)

From 2010:

October 20-21, HFC user forum meeting in Stavanger (Invitation, Minutes of meeting/Presentations)
April 21-22, HFC user forum meeting in Halden (Invitation, Minutes of meeting/Presentation)

From 2009:

October 21-22 HFC user forum meeting in Trondheim (Invitation, Minutes of meeting/Presentations  )
April 22-23, HFC user forum meeting ( Invitation,  Minutes of meeting/Presentations )

From 2008: 

October 1-2 HFC user forum meeting in Oslo (Invitation, Minutes of meeting/Presentations)
April 23-24 HFC user forum meeting in Stavanger (Invitation, Minutes of meeting/Presentations)

 From 2006:

October 2006 HFC user forum meeting in Trondheim at SINTEF Technology and Society (Invitation, Minutes of meeting/Presentations)
April 19-20 HFC user forum meeting in Halden at IFE (Invitation, Information about HFC forum, Presentations)

From 2005:

26/10/2005 and 27/10/2005 HFC user forum meeting in Trondheim at SINTEF Technology and Society (Invitation, Information about the HFC forum, Presentations)
April 27-28 CRIOP User meeting in Trondheim at SINTEF Technology and Society (Minutes of meeting, Presentations) 

Annual accounts for 2005 here.  

From 2004:

13/12/2004 at STATOIL in Stavanger (Minutes of meeting)
24/8/2004 at Norsk Nydro in Bergen (Minutes of meeting)


To get in touch with the user group please contact Stig Ole Johnsen 

Publisert 18. september 2012

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