SMACS (description, slides) - Sensemaking in safety-critical situations.
The ability to handle demanding maritime operations safely is increasingly dependent on ICT- based control systems (e.g. dynamic positioning and ballasting/stability). Such systems play a crucial role in the handling of critical situations, by presenting safety-critical information that allows operators to make sense of the situation. The objective of SMACS is to build and disseminate knowledge on how to enhance the technological, human and organizational (MTO) capabilities needed to be able to handle safety-critical situations. This requires closing the loop between design and operative experience. By improving the capabilities for sensemaking, we will improve the maritime industry's resilience in handling surprising situations, including emergencies.
SMACS task and activities are in short:
1: Literature review of sensemaking and resilience in safety-critical situations
2: Review requirements regarding HMI and training related to safety-critical systems
3: Identify MTO characteristics that contribute to sensemaking and resilience
4: Bridge the gap between new technology and old ideals of work in the maritime profession
5: Develop an approach that can be used for HMI design
6: Develop an approach for training and assessment of sensemaking