
Overall Purpose

The main purpose of HUMANI is to be a cross-disciplinary meeting place for researchers within human neuroimaging and modelling, particularly related to the use of ultra-high field MRI. The goals of establishing this meeting place are to foster scientific collaboration, build competence and quality in research, generate new research ideas and strategically devleløop the 7T MR infrastructure.


  • Foster scientific collaboration
  • Build competence and quality in research
  • Generate new research ideas and develop research proposals
  • Strategically develop the 7T MR infrastructure.
Ill.: Shutterstock


Strategic Foundation

Advanced human neuroimaging is a strategic focus area for NTNU and Trondheim. This is clearly illustrated by the Norwegian 7T MR Center, the first and only ultra-high field MR system in Norway for human use, hosted by NTNU and co-funded by the Norwegian Research Council, NTNU, Helse Midt-Norge and St. Olavs Hospital. In addition, NTNU and St. Olavs Hospital together cover state-of-the-art clinical imaging facilities in both MR and PET. Multiple departments and research groups are active in human neuroimaging, and there is a strong common interest in supporting this research activity. This includes supporting the 7T MR centre and its users.


St. Olavs Hospital

  • Trønderbrain
  • Translational Neuroscience Clinical-Academic Group (CAG) for Alzheimer´s disease

SINTEF Digital

  • Health and wellbeing – brain modelling and simulation
  • Strengthened collaboration with St.Olav/NTNU on neuroimaging
  • Innovation potential