Floating installation concept for offshore wind developments - INSTALLER
The INSTALLER project aims at developing a flexible and cost-efficient installation solution for large offshore wind turbines (OWTs), located at sea-depths exceeding current capabilities of jack-up vessels. The method shall be scalable for installation of both large (10+ MW) and extra-large OWTs (15-25 MW). The results of the project will reach Technology Readiness Level 4/5.

The INSTALLER project is an Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector (IPN) financed by project participants and the Research Council of Norway under the large-scale programme for energy research (ENERGIX). The project period is from 2018 to 2020.
The design of equipment and methods currently used for installation of offshore wind turbines (OWTs) have, to a large extent, migrated from land-based or close to shore construction technologies, mainly relying on jack-up vessels with limitations regarding maximum sea depth (< 60-70 meters). This makes realizing a cost-efficient up-scaling of today's technology to handle installation of larger turbines at greater depths, practically impossible.
The proposed new disruptive installation concept - INSTALLER - is based on; (1) a motion compensated crane; (2) a wind turbine jacking system; (3) a blade installation tool; (4) appropriate vessels concepts; and (5) corresponding transportation and assembly line. The combined technology enables a module-based tower and turbine erection from the bottom and up - section by section. The concept reduces lifting and handling challenges normally introduced with larger turbines, while the independence of jack-up vessels allows for installations in deeper waters.
The technology behind the INSTALLER concept will ensure a wide range of scenarios and applications. With Equinor as developer and operator, and Fred. Olsen Windcarrier, Ulstein and NOV as suppliers, the INSTALLER solution approach will pave the way for a significant Norwegian market share for installation of large wind turbines and in particular within floating wind farms. Moreover, the importance of the project is reflected by the proposed set of activities that can contribute to restructuring the Norwegian oil and gas supply industry into serving the industry of ocean renewables (Green Growth).
Project goals
The primary objective of the INSTALLER project is to develop a scalable, flexible and cost-efficient installation method for large offshore wind turbines located at sea-depths exceeding current capabilities of jack-up vessels.
The secondary objectives of the proposed project are identified to the following:
- Specify functional requirement and acceptance criteria for transportation and installation.
- Develop the lifting and installation arrangement (i.e. motion compensated crane and jacking system), including structural design to TRL 4/5.
- Identify the vessel concept(s) to support transportation and installation.
- Establish and verify operational procedures for transportation and installation.
- Identify optimal turbine delivery value chain design, including logistical requirements and performance goals.
- Define factors for the realisation of the concept, including fabrication, risk, cost and schedule.
The following results are anticipated from the project:
- Improved knowledge of transportation and installation of large offshore wind turbines.
- Improved installation techniques for improved cost efficiency and HSE.
- Feasible installation concept for transportation and installation of large offshore wind turbines.
- Identification of possible risk elements and limiting phases of the operation.
- Value chain and cost-benefit analysis, including identification of main cost drivers.
- Enhanced understanding of the offshore wind industry for stakeholders in the Norwegian supply industry.
Project participants at SINTEF Ocean
Lars Magne Nonås
Research Manager- Name
- Lars Magne Nonås
- Title
- Research Manager
- Phone
- +47 41 65 23 23
- Department
- Energy and Transport
- Office
- Bergen
- Company
Elin Espeland Halvorsen-Weare
Senior Research Scientist- Name
- Elin Espeland Halvorsen-Weare
- Title
- Senior Research Scientist
- Phone
- +47 97 53 20 92
- Department
- Energy and Transport
- Office
- Oslo
- Company
Even Ambros Holte
Senior Project Manager- Name
- Even Ambros Holte
- Title
- Senior Project Manager
- Phone
- +47 95 03 62 64
- Department
- Energy and Transport
- Office
- Tiller
- Company