Added value and synergies

The platform will be used as a hub which unites education methods, research results and experience from different universities, research groups and research projects and focuses its activities on the food sector.

Objectives and activities of the IntER-Cold are in synergy with the FME-Centre HighEFF, which aims for 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, 30% specific energy consumption and increased value creation. The project activities of IntER-Cold will be supported and elaborated by the following previous and ongoing projects at NTNU and SINTEF, which are related to seafood processing, shelf-life and utilization of by-products and waste:

  • SusOrganic and SusOrgPlus: Development of smart, low energy input heat pump drying for increased sustainability in organic food chains / Development of quality standards and optimized processing methods (Era-Net and Bionær), 2015-2021
  • FME centre HighEFF: Centre for an energy efficient and competitive Industry for the future, FME (FMETEKN2016-2024)
  • Re-Food (International Partnership for Research and Education in energy efficient resource utilization in FOOD value chains between Norway and India (2017-2019);
  • OptiHelix (Functional design of chilling tanks for salmon); SUPREME (Sustainable production of ingredients from whitefish rest raw materials (MARINFORSK 2019-22022),
  • SGS-Concept (Concept development of full-scale soluble gas stabilization (SGS) technology for seafood, HAVBRUK II (2019-2023),
  • DigiMat (Digital tools for increased work relevance in the food technology education, NU (2018-2019),
  • OPTiMAT (Optimal utilization of marine food recourses (internal strategic project NTNU (2016-2024, 9 PhDs) and Curriculum Development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (SSNS) (Erasmus 2017-2020).
  • HighEFFLAB: National Laboratories for an energy efficient industry, FORINFRA (2017-2027).
  • Sustainable energy in foods – research-education project between Norway and Russia. Energy efficiency in food production. (SIU); Role: laboratory experiments low temperature, vacuum-freeze and atmospheric freeze-drying of brown seaweeds, design of new dryers for seaweeds, modelling of drying kinetics, thermal properties, proposal writing, budget, activity planning, reporting.