Publications and presentations


Foss, Trond (2010) "The integration of control systems for the supply chain and transportation domain", in World conference on Transport Research 2010, Lisbon, Portugal

Foss, Trond (2009), "The integration of SCOR and ARKTRANS", Intelligent Transport systems World Congress 2009, Stockholm, Sweden

Foss, Trond. (2008) "INTELLIGENT GOODS IN INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS" ,prepared for the 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, USA November 2008

Natvig, M; westerheim, H (2008) "Refeinement and evaluation of the ARKTRANS framework through use in travel information services", the 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, USA November 2008

Dreyer, H; Bjartnes, R; Netland, T; Strandhagen, J.O. (2008) "Real-Time Supply Chain Planning and Control - A Case Study from the Norwegian Food Industry", in Proceedings of APMS 2008, 14.-17.9.2008, Helsinki, Finland

Netland, T.; Alfnes, E. (2008) "A practical tool for supply chain improvement - Experiences with the Supply Chain Maturity Assessment Test (SCMAT)" in proceedings of EurOMA/POMS Tokyo, 5.-8.8.2008

Netland, T.; Dreyer, H.; Strandhagen, O.J. (2008), "Demand Driven Control Concepts - Foresight in the effects of RFID" in proceedings of EurOMA2008, Groningen, 15.-18.6.2008

Strandhagen, J.O; Dreyer, H.; Romsdal, A. (2009) "Real Time integrated Supply Chain operations: An example from distribution pharmaceutical" in proceeding of POMS 20th Annual Confrerence, Orlando, USA, 1.-5.4.2009


The INTRANS Concept

Foss, Trond (2010) Intelligent goods in ITS systems, presentation at EasyWay Viking Workshop 2010, Oslo, Norway

Foss, Trond (2010) WCTR 2010 - The integration of control systems for the supply chain, presentation at World conference on Transport Research 2010, Lisbon, Portugal

Foss, Trond (2009) Supply chain – transport domain, presentation at Intelligent Transport systems World Congress 2009, Stockholm, Sweden

Strandhagen, Ola. (2008) Ny teknologi gir nye muligheter, presentation at Transport og logistikk 2008

Strandhagen, J.O.(2008), "Hvordan få klimagevinster samtidig som man forbedrer bedriftens logistikk?" Trondheim næringsforening: Manifestasjon 2008, Trondheim, 29.09.08

Strandhagen J.O. (2008), "Logistikk - Før, nå og i fremtiden", Tollpost Globe, Kundeseminar, Kielfergen, 21.05.08

Westerheim, Hans. (2008) Bruk av ARKTRANS for å koordinere RFID-basert informasjon i transportsektoren, presentation at workshop: RFID og trådløse teknologier for transportbransjen, Oslo, 30.04.08

Nicolaisen, T (2008). Intremodale logistikknutepunkter. Godsmagi, Oslo, 17.11.2008


Published January 16, 2009